Sunday, May 24, 2009
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Conservation of mass and energy
The concept of mass–energy equivalence unites the concepts of conservation of mass and conservation of energy, allowing rest mass to be converted to other forms of energy, like kinetic energy, heat, or light. Kinetic energy or light can also be converted to particles which have rest mass. The total amount of mass-energy in a closed system remains constant because energy cannot be created or destroyed and, in all of its forms, trapped energy has mass. According to the theory of relativity, mass and energy as commonly understood are two names for the same thing, and neither one appears without the other.
Fast-moving objects and systems of objects
If you push on an object in the direction of motion, it gains momentum and it gains energy. But if the object is already travelling near the speed of light, it can't move much faster, no matter how much energy it absorbs. Its momentum and energy continue to increase, but its speed approaches a constant value—the speed of light. This means that in relativity the momentum of an object cannot be a constant times the velocity, nor is the kinetic energy given by ½mv2.
The relativistic mass is defined as the ratio of the momentum of an object to its velocity, and it depends on the motion of the object. If the object is moving slowly, the relativistic mass is nearly equal to the rest mass and both are equal to the usual Newtonian mass. If the object is moving quickly, the relativistic mass is greater than the rest mass. As the object approaches the speed of light, the relativistic mass becomes infinite, because the momentum becomes infinite.
The relativistic mass is always equal to the total energy divided by c2. Because the relativistic mass is exactly proportional to the energy, relativistic mass and relativistic energy are nearly synonyms; the only difference between them is the units. If length and time are measured in natural units, the speed of light is equal to 1, and even this difference disappears. Then mass and energy have the same units and are always equal, so it is redundant to speak about relativistic mass, because it is just another name for the energy. This is why physicists usually reserve the useful short word "mass" to mean rest-mass.
For things made up of many parts, like a nucleus, planet, or star, the relativistic mass is the sum of the relativistic masses of the parts, because energy adds up. In some cases, however, the parts include fields of force, and if the fields are attractive, they contribute a negative amount to the mass-energy. For example, the mass of an atomic nucleus is less than the total mass of the protons and neutrons that make it up. The amount by which it is smaller is the energy required to break up the nucleus into individual protons and neutrons. Similarly, the mass of the solar system is slightly less than the masses of sun and planets individually, since the gravitational field is attractive.
The relativistic mass of a moving object is bigger than the relativistic mass of an object that isn't moving, because a moving object has extra kinetic energy. The rest mass of an object is defined as the mass of an object when it is at rest, so that the rest mass is always the same independent of the motion of the observer: it is the same in all inertial frames.
For a system of particles going off in different directions, the invariant mass is the analog of the rest mass, defined as the total energy (divided by c2) in the center of mass frame, where the total momentum is zero.
Fast-moving objects and systems of objects
If you push on an object in the direction of motion, it gains momentum and it gains energy. But if the object is already travelling near the speed of light, it can't move much faster, no matter how much energy it absorbs. Its momentum and energy continue to increase, but its speed approaches a constant value—the speed of light. This means that in relativity the momentum of an object cannot be a constant times the velocity, nor is the kinetic energy given by ½mv2.
The relativistic mass is defined as the ratio of the momentum of an object to its velocity, and it depends on the motion of the object. If the object is moving slowly, the relativistic mass is nearly equal to the rest mass and both are equal to the usual Newtonian mass. If the object is moving quickly, the relativistic mass is greater than the rest mass. As the object approaches the speed of light, the relativistic mass becomes infinite, because the momentum becomes infinite.
The relativistic mass is always equal to the total energy divided by c2. Because the relativistic mass is exactly proportional to the energy, relativistic mass and relativistic energy are nearly synonyms; the only difference between them is the units. If length and time are measured in natural units, the speed of light is equal to 1, and even this difference disappears. Then mass and energy have the same units and are always equal, so it is redundant to speak about relativistic mass, because it is just another name for the energy. This is why physicists usually reserve the useful short word "mass" to mean rest-mass.
For things made up of many parts, like a nucleus, planet, or star, the relativistic mass is the sum of the relativistic masses of the parts, because energy adds up. In some cases, however, the parts include fields of force, and if the fields are attractive, they contribute a negative amount to the mass-energy. For example, the mass of an atomic nucleus is less than the total mass of the protons and neutrons that make it up. The amount by which it is smaller is the energy required to break up the nucleus into individual protons and neutrons. Similarly, the mass of the solar system is slightly less than the masses of sun and planets individually, since the gravitational field is attractive.
The relativistic mass of a moving object is bigger than the relativistic mass of an object that isn't moving, because a moving object has extra kinetic energy. The rest mass of an object is defined as the mass of an object when it is at rest, so that the rest mass is always the same independent of the motion of the observer: it is the same in all inertial frames.
For a system of particles going off in different directions, the invariant mass is the analog of the rest mass, defined as the total energy (divided by c2) in the center of mass frame, where the total momentum is zero.
Mass–energy equivalence
In physics, mass–energy equivalence is the concept that mass and energy are the same thing, so that every mass has an energy equivalent and vice versa. This relationship is expressed using the formula
E = mc^2 \,\!
* E = energy
* m = mass
* c = the speed of light in a vacuum (celeritas), (about 3×108 m/s)
Expressed in words: energy equals mass multiplied by the speed of light squared. Because the speed of light is a very large number in everyday units, the formula implies that any small amount of matter contains a very large amount of energy. Some of this energy may be released as heat and light by nuclear transformations.
Mass–energy equivalence was proposed in Albert Einstein's 1905 paper, "Does the inertia of a body depend upon its energy-content?", one of his Annus Mirabilis ("Miraculous Year") Papers.[1] Einstein was not the first to propose a mass–energy relationship, and various similar formulas appeared before Einstein's theory with incorrect numerical coefficients and an incomplete interpretation. Einstein was the first to propose the simple formula and the first to interpret it correctly: as a general principle which follows from the relativistic symmetries of space and time.
In the formula, c2 is the conversion factor required to convert from units of mass to units of energy. The formula does not depend on a specific system of units. Using the International System of Units, joules are used to measure energy, kilograms for mass, meters per second for speed. Note that 1 joule equals 1 kg·m2/s2. In unit-specific terms, E (in joules) = m (in kilograms) multiplied by (299,792,458 m/s)2.
E = mc^2 \,\!
* E = energy
* m = mass
* c = the speed of light in a vacuum (celeritas), (about 3×108 m/s)
Expressed in words: energy equals mass multiplied by the speed of light squared. Because the speed of light is a very large number in everyday units, the formula implies that any small amount of matter contains a very large amount of energy. Some of this energy may be released as heat and light by nuclear transformations.
Mass–energy equivalence was proposed in Albert Einstein's 1905 paper, "Does the inertia of a body depend upon its energy-content?", one of his Annus Mirabilis ("Miraculous Year") Papers.[1] Einstein was not the first to propose a mass–energy relationship, and various similar formulas appeared before Einstein's theory with incorrect numerical coefficients and an incomplete interpretation. Einstein was the first to propose the simple formula and the first to interpret it correctly: as a general principle which follows from the relativistic symmetries of space and time.
In the formula, c2 is the conversion factor required to convert from units of mass to units of energy. The formula does not depend on a specific system of units. Using the International System of Units, joules are used to measure energy, kilograms for mass, meters per second for speed. Note that 1 joule equals 1 kg·m2/s2. In unit-specific terms, E (in joules) = m (in kilograms) multiplied by (299,792,458 m/s)2.
Gurindam Jiwa
Gurindam Jiwa
( L )
Tuailah padi antara masak
Esok jangan layu-layuan
Intailah kami antara nampak
Esok jangan rindu-rinduan
( P )
Anak cina pasang lukah
Lukah dipasang di Tanjung Jati
Di dalam hati tidak ku lupa
Sebagai rambut bersimpul mati
( korus )
( L )
Batang selasih permainan budak
Daun sehelai dimakan kuda
Bercerai kasih bertalak tidak
Seribu tahun kembali juga
( P )
Burung merpati terbang seribu
Hinggap seekor di tengah laman
( L )
Hendak mati di hujung kuku
Hendak berkubur di tapak tangan
( L & P )
Kalau tuan mudik ke hulu
Carikan saya bunga kemboja
Kalau tuan mati dahulu
Nantikan saya di pintu syurga
( L )
Tuailah padi antara masak
Esok jangan layu-layuan
Intailah kami antara nampak
Esok jangan rindu-rinduan
( P )
Anak cina pasang lukah
Lukah dipasang di Tanjung Jati
Di dalam hati tidak ku lupa
Sebagai rambut bersimpul mati
( korus )
( L )
Batang selasih permainan budak
Daun sehelai dimakan kuda
Bercerai kasih bertalak tidak
Seribu tahun kembali juga
( P )
Burung merpati terbang seribu
Hinggap seekor di tengah laman
( L )
Hendak mati di hujung kuku
Hendak berkubur di tapak tangan
( L & P )
Kalau tuan mudik ke hulu
Carikan saya bunga kemboja
Kalau tuan mati dahulu
Nantikan saya di pintu syurga
Malam Bulan Dipagar Bintang lyrics by P.Ramlee
Malam bulan dipagar bintang
Makin indah jika dipandang
Bagai gadis beri senyuman
Pada bujang idaman
Belai kasih ingin dimanja
Dengan cumbuan mesra
Untuk pelipur lara
Penawar dik asmara
Mm .... mm .... mm .... mm ...
Malam bulan dipagar bintang
Tambah seri cuaca malam
Murni sungguh ciptaan Tuhan
Bulan bintang lampu alam
Andai kata bintang menyepi
Bulan tidak berseri
Malam menjadi sunyi
Tidak berseri lagi
Makin indah jika dipandang
Bagai gadis beri senyuman
Pada bujang idaman
Belai kasih ingin dimanja
Dengan cumbuan mesra
Untuk pelipur lara
Penawar dik asmara
Mm .... mm .... mm .... mm ...
Malam bulan dipagar bintang
Tambah seri cuaca malam
Murni sungguh ciptaan Tuhan
Bulan bintang lampu alam
Andai kata bintang menyepi
Bulan tidak berseri
Malam menjadi sunyi
Tidak berseri lagi
Friday, May 22, 2009
Hari Jumaat.. Kenangan Indah..
Hari ini pagi2 kul 9.00 sis Nabila datang tempat praktikal..
berjaya present kat lecturer.. alhamdulillah
lecturer puas hati
pastu malam ade program ceramah kat Rapid KL
ustaz Zulkifli Ahmad memang pandai bagi ceramah
tak sia2 kami tunggu lama..
mmg power ustaz ni..
yg bertajuk "kekuatan doa"
menurut kata Ustaz:
"beliau kagum dgn CEO Proton iaitu Syed Zainal, beliau berserah kepada Allah 100%, berdoa usaha tawakal.. untuk memajukan proton... sekarang lihat bagaimana jualan proton Saga BLM laris di Iran.. 100 000 unit dah dijual..."
pastu ade mkn nasi kukus Ayam lak.. nyam2..sedap... jamuan rapid kl
Thanks to semua staff Rapid Kl rolling stock division.
berjaya present kat lecturer.. alhamdulillah
lecturer puas hati
pastu malam ade program ceramah kat Rapid KL
ustaz Zulkifli Ahmad memang pandai bagi ceramah
tak sia2 kami tunggu lama..
mmg power ustaz ni..
yg bertajuk "kekuatan doa"
menurut kata Ustaz:
"beliau kagum dgn CEO Proton iaitu Syed Zainal, beliau berserah kepada Allah 100%, berdoa usaha tawakal.. untuk memajukan proton... sekarang lihat bagaimana jualan proton Saga BLM laris di Iran.. 100 000 unit dah dijual..."
pastu ade mkn nasi kukus Ayam lak.. nyam2..sedap... jamuan rapid kl
Thanks to semua staff Rapid Kl rolling stock division.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Untukmu Teman by Brothers
Di sini kita pernah bertemu
Mencari warna seindah pelangi
Ketika kau menghulurkan tanganmu
Membawaku ke daerah yang baru
dan hidupku kini ceria
Kini dengarkanlah
Dendangan lagu tanda ingatan
Kepadamu teman
Agar ikatan ukhuwah kan
Bersimpul padu
Kenangan bersamamu
Takkan ku lupa
Walau badai datang melanda
Walau bercerai jasad dan nyawa
Mengapa kita ditemukan
Dan akhirnya kita dipisahkan
Munkinkah menguji kesetiaan
Kejujuran dan kemanisan iman
Tuhan berikan daku kekuatan
Mungkinkah kita terlupa
Tuhan ada janjinya
Bertemu berpisah kita
Ada rahmat dan kasihnya
Andai ini ujian
Terangilah kamar kesabaran
Pergilah derita hadirlah cahaya
Mencari warna seindah pelangi
Ketika kau menghulurkan tanganmu
Membawaku ke daerah yang baru
dan hidupku kini ceria
Kini dengarkanlah
Dendangan lagu tanda ingatan
Kepadamu teman
Agar ikatan ukhuwah kan
Bersimpul padu
Kenangan bersamamu
Takkan ku lupa
Walau badai datang melanda
Walau bercerai jasad dan nyawa
Mengapa kita ditemukan
Dan akhirnya kita dipisahkan
Munkinkah menguji kesetiaan
Kejujuran dan kemanisan iman
Tuhan berikan daku kekuatan
Mungkinkah kita terlupa
Tuhan ada janjinya
Bertemu berpisah kita
Ada rahmat dan kasihnya
Andai ini ujian
Terangilah kamar kesabaran
Pergilah derita hadirlah cahaya
Sajak sahabat
"sahabat di kala aku keriangan mendengar sang camar berlagu riang kau lah teman ketawa ku.. sahabat di kala aku kesedihan mencari sinar pengharapan kau lah teman menangis ku... sahabat kini tiba detik perpisahan mawar merah ku hulurkan tanda persahabat yang abadi untuk kejayaan di masa hadapan" nukilan Dato' Dr Syed Ahmad Syed Samsuddin
Sajak Guruku yg hensem... ( boleh bg kat cikgu sekolah @ lecturer yg slalu bg fail paper)

Sajak Guruku yg hensem... ( boleh bg kat cikgu sekolah @ lecturer yg slalu bg fail paper)
Guru Oh Guru
BERBURU ke padang datar
Dapat rusa belang kaki
Berguru kepalang ajar
Ibarat bunga kembang tak jadi
Dialah pemberi paling setia
Tiap akar ilmu miliknya
Pelita dan lampu segala
Untuk manusia sebelum jadi dewasa.
Dialah ibu…. dialah bapa…. juga sahabat
Alur kesetiaan mengalirkan nasihat
Pemimpin yang ditauliahkan segala umat
Seribu tahun katanya menjadi hikmat.
Jika hari ini seorang Perdana Menteri berkuasa
Jika hari ini seorang Raja menaiki takhta
Jika hari ini seorang Presiden sebuah negara
Jika hari ini seorang ulama yang mulia
Jika hari ini seorang peguam menang bicara
Jika hari ini seorang penulis terkemuka
Jika hari ini siapa sahaja menjadi dewasa;
Sejarahnya…. dimulakan oleh seorang guru biasa
Dengan lembut sabarnya mengajar tulis-baca.
Di mana-mana dia berdiri di muka muridnya
Di sebuah sekolah mewah di Ibu Kota
Di bangunan tua sekolah Hulu Terengganu
Dia adalah guru mewakili seribu buku;
Semakin terpencil duduknya di ceruk desa
Semakin bererti tugasnya kepada negara.
Jadilah apa pun pada akhir kehidupanmu,
Budi yang diapungkan di dulangi ilmu
Panggilan keramat "cikgu" kekal terpahat
Menjadi kenangan ke akhir hayat.
USMAN AWANG tulis ni...!!! tak tipu
Kembara Ilmu
Kalau tanah ada sempadannya,
kalau tugu ada tiang,
kalau pohon ada akarnya,
kalau bangsa ada bahasanya,
kalau pidato ada perjuangannya,
kalau penyakit ada penawarnya.
Seperti kata falsafah Melayu:
"Hiduplah untuk berbakti kerana orang yang berbakti akan terus hidup namanya walaupun mati"
kalau tugu ada tiang,
kalau pohon ada akarnya,
kalau bangsa ada bahasanya,
kalau pidato ada perjuangannya,
kalau penyakit ada penawarnya.
Seperti kata falsafah Melayu:
"Hiduplah untuk berbakti kerana orang yang berbakti akan terus hidup namanya walaupun mati"
Ni Ustaz saya.. waktu SPM 2000 kat SMKA Arau

Monday, May 04, 2009
Muslimat dapat Ketua baru, Ulamak kekal pimpinan
KANGAR - Dewan Muslimat PAS Perlis yang mengadakan Muktamar semalam di Dewan Amir Ramadzan HPA, Jejawi Dalam telah sepakat memilih ketua yang baru.
Hajjah Latifah Mat yang juga Ketua Dewan Muslimat Kawasan Arau telah dipilih sebagai Ketua yang baru secara syura.
Begitu juga dengan jawatan Timbalan dan Naib Ketua, pemilihan turut dibuat secara syura.
Hajjah Haton Osman dipilih sebagai Timbalan Ketua dan Ummu Aiman Salleh pula dipilih sebagai Naib Ketua.
Sementara itu, Dewan Ulamak PAS Perlis yang mengadakan Muktamar di tempat yang sama Sabtu lalu mengekalkan ketiga-tiga jawatan tertinggi sayap parti itu.
Pada Muktamar kali ke-34 Dewan Ulamak PAS Perlis, Ustaz Abdul Rashid Abdul Rahman kekal sebagai Ketua dan akan dibantu oleh Ustaz Khalil Adnan sebagai Timbalan Ketua dan Ustaz Salleh Adam sebagai Naib Ketua.
Posted by peghelihla.blogspot.com at 2:47 AM 0 comments
Saturday, May 2, 2009
lagi 1 bulan..
penantian selama 5 bulan setengah praktikal kat Rapid KL akan berakhir... tetapi byk keje nak wat... hmmm elaun x masuk lagi... nampak gaya kene lepak kat UIA.. mcm2 cabaran n dugaan sepanjang praktikal ni.. yg penting aku kena bersemangat!!!
kene marah biasa la... tahan telinga je la.. walaupun down skit... tp log book mau kasi siap!! ada 30% lagi hehehe.. slide lagi 75% hmmm... apapun ilmu yg dpt kene diterjemahkan di hadapn my visiting lecturer dan Supervisor..
aku kene bersemangatt!! jgn putus asa...
seperti kata dato' dr sYED aHMAD (cikgu pidato):
Semangat cekal jiwa berani,
sekali genggam jadikan bara,
jaya dunia jaya akhirat...
thanks to all my frens, gud luck may Allah bless we all!!!!
kene marah biasa la... tahan telinga je la.. walaupun down skit... tp log book mau kasi siap!! ada 30% lagi hehehe.. slide lagi 75% hmmm... apapun ilmu yg dpt kene diterjemahkan di hadapn my visiting lecturer dan Supervisor..
aku kene bersemangatt!! jgn putus asa...
seperti kata dato' dr sYED aHMAD (cikgu pidato):
Semangat cekal jiwa berani,
sekali genggam jadikan bara,
jaya dunia jaya akhirat...
thanks to all my frens, gud luck may Allah bless we all!!!!
Friday, May 1, 2009
i am bz...
wat report log book n presentation slide tuk Dr. Waqar Asrar( head of department mechanical engineering) for EIT. hmmm.. asal la aku kene lecturer yg ni.. hod lak tu.. 5-10may 2009.. 29 may 2009 ------> graduate yay!!!! alhamdulillah...
1) Preventive maintenance
2) Carbody
3) Bogies
4) Pneumatics and hydraulics
gud luck 2 me (^_^)
1) Preventive maintenance
2) Carbody
3) Bogies
4) Pneumatics and hydraulics
gud luck 2 me (^_^)
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